Leads 4 Meetings
Leads 4 Meetings
Leads 4 Riverside Pizza & Pub 1100 Douglas Rd, Oswego Email Tammy Wednesdays 12:30 pm
Leads 4 Riverside Pizza & Pub 1100 Douglas Rd, Oswego Email Tammy Wednesdays 12:30 pm
Register Here: Join us for the State of the Village at Oswego Village Hall on Feb. 26th at 4:30 pm.
Leads Groups - Leads 1 Oswego Family Restaurant, Main St Paul Rathman Email Paul Thursdays 7:30 am
Monthly electronics recycling! On the Last Thursday of every month unless otherwise stated. Bring your electronics to: The Oswego Area Chamber of Commerce- 25 E. Jackson St, Oswego. For a list of guidelines on recyclable items, click Recycling Guidelines Please know that the money being collected for the required items goes directly to the recycling […]
Leads 3 Tap House Grill 123 W. Washington St. Jennifer Jones Sinnott Email Jennifer Thursdays 12:30 pm
L.I.N.K.S. - Learning, Informing, Networking, Knowledge, Success Benny's Restaurant, 1158 Douglas Rd Lynn Flores Email Lynn Fridays 8 am LINKS website