Oswego Chamber of Commerce Business Directory

Listing by Company Name:
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100 + Women Who Care OMY

When you donate $100.00 to a charity, you may wonder if you’re making a difference. But when 100+ Women donate $100.00 at the same time, they raise $10,000 + for a worthy cause. That’s real impact. And it only takes one hour! We meet just 4 times per year. Join us!

Contact: Nettie Badgley
Oswego, IL 60543
Email Address: nettie@100wwc-omy.org
Website: www.100wwc-omy.org

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3:11 Project

At 3:11 Project we fulfill our mission that “No-one struggles alone” through “Social Media for Social Good.” We obtain referrals through other local agencies and help fill in those gaps to help individuals in need. We believe in the strength of a community to help support those around us that may be struggling. We also give back to the Fox Valley area community through monthly volunteer opportunities. If you are a business or individual that believes that loving our neighbors is vitally important to the success of a community, please come join our movement at the 3:11 Project Facebook page. We are stronger together.


Contact: Amy Lawler and Katie Morton
102 E. Schoolhouse Rd
Yorkville, IL 60560
Phone Number: 630-733-1879
Email Address: three.eleven.project@gmail.com
Website: www.the311project.com

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71 Reasons and More Foundation

71 Reasons and More Foundation works in the community to help bring awareness to mental health and suicide.  Our nonprofit supports programs such as “Ending the Silence Program” by implementing such programs and programs like these to put into local school districts.  Provide financial support for mental health services for teens and young adults.  Providing scholarships for students who benefit from alternative schooling due to bullying.  The long-term goal is to have a safe zone for teens and young adults to come and be able to feel comfortable/accepted and get services if needed to support their needs.  To be able to provide charitable and educational help with mental illness and suicide awareness in the community and schools.

Contact: Angela Chapas
204 Brompton Ct.
Oswego, IL 60543
Phone Number: 630-624-8361
Email Address: hello@71reasonsandmore.org
Website: www.71reasonsandmore.org

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Awesome Life Academy

Nonprofit Organization is Committed to Igniting Awesome Lives and Torching Limitations in the Special Needs Community. Programs and services for adult individuals with special needs including but not limited to recreation, fitness, wellness and employment services.

Contact: Brandon Quaintance
Oswego, IL 60543
Phone Number: 708-921-6206
Email Address: brandon@awesomelifeacademy.com
Website: www.awesomelifeacademy.com

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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties

Big Brothers Big Sisters operates under the belief that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life. Most children served by Big Brothers Big Sisters are in single-parent and low-income families, or households where a parent is incarcerated. As the nation’s largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”)

Contact: Amy Vicioso
14 Fairlane Dr.
Joliet, IL 60435
Phone Number: (815) 723-2227
Email Address: bbbs.information@bbbswillgrundy.org
Website: www.bbbswillgrundy.org

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Bike Bald Group

Bike Bald Group is an Oswego based charity.  Committed to enriching the lives of children affected by cancer, rare illnesses and additional support needed.  100 percent operated by volunteers.  Caring for over 2100 children/families in the local area.  Tutoring, art and music therapy, wishes and more are offered.


Local (c) (3) Children w/ Cancer and Rare Illness.


Contact: Debbie Mossburg
27 Stonehill Rd.
Oswego, IL 60543
Phone Number: 630-618-8731
Email Address: bike.bald@yahoo.com
Website: bikebald.com

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Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley

The Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley is a collection of individual funds and resources given by local citizens to enhance and support the quality of life in the Fox River Valley Illinois.

We are a tax-exempt public charity that allows individuals, businesses, and other non-profit organizations to establish permanent endowment and temporary funds within the confines of one large foundation.

Foundation funds are used to provide grants to non-profit organizations and scholarships to area students.

The Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley serves the Greater Aurora Area, the TriCities and Kendall County in the State of Illinois.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide effective and rewarding ways for donors to fulfill their philanthropic objectives.

Contact: Julie Christman
1971 W. Downer Place
Aurora, IL 60506
Phone Number: 630-896-7800
Email Address: info@cffrv.org
Website: www.cffrv.org

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Fox Valley Marines Detachment #1233

The Fox Valley Marine Corps League is a federally chartered veteran’s organization of Marines.  Its ranks are comprised of Marines and Marine Veterans who have served honorably in the Corps.  The League aims to perpetuate the traditions and spirit of the Marine Corps through association with Marines who have served under the Eagle, Globe and Anchor.

The only membership qualification is honorable service, in excess of 90 days, in the Marines or as a Navy Corpsman who served with a U.S. Marine FMF Unit for more than 90 days in accordance with the National By Laws of the Marine Corps League.

The Fox Valley Marines meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at 1900 at the Oswego American Legion Post 675.  We support Veterans and their families.  We offer scholarships to Marines and their immediate families.  Our Annual Golf Classic is our big fundraiser.  This event takes place the 2nd Wednesday in August.

Contact: Lisa Garcia
PO Box 256
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
Email Address: lisag@rcwegman.com
Website: www.foxvalleymarines.com

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Fox Valley Special Recreation Association

FVSRA offers recreational opportunities for EVERYONE of ALL AGES and ALL abilities that include: summer day camp, community outings, computer/music/swim lessons, Special Olympics, adaptive sports, trips, social clubs and MORE! Visit our website at www.fvsra.org or call FVSRA to request a program guide.

Contact: Alex Engelhardt
2121 W. Indian Trail
Aurora, IL 60506
Phone Number: 630-907-1114
Email Address: AlexE@FVSRA.org
Website: www.fvsra.org

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Kendall County 211

211 is Kendall County’s health and human services hotline, weather it’s help with housing, utilities, finding employment or food pantries, 211 can connect residents with all of the local and state resources needed to get back on their feet

Contact: Jen Chabot
1899 Village Parkway Unit 114
Montgomery, IL 60538
Phone Number: 630-803-7283
Email Address: jenchabot@kendallcounty211.org
Website: www.kendalcounty211.org

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Kendall County Democratic Party

The Democratic Party of Kendall County believes civic engagement is the duty of each citizen to form a more perfect union. It’s our mission to do the most good for the most residents of Kendall County through civic engagement.

Contact: Ilaine Jessup
10 S. Main St
Oswego, IL 60543
Phone Number: 630-636-7398
Email Address: info@kendalldems.net
Website: www.kendalldems.net/home

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Kendall County Historical Society

The Kendall County Historical Society strives to promote an awareness of Kendall County History.  Our goal is to connect the past to future generations by experiencing and understanding the lifestyles, traditions and farming practices of Kendall County.  We house and preserve historical collections and possess extensive archives where our volunteers help individuals and families research the past.  In addition, we maintain several historical buildings on the 80-acre grounds including an 1850’s Plano Train Depot, 1918 CB&Q Caboose, 1834 Corrigan Store, Fire Station, Blacksmith Shop, 1876 Seward Townhall, 1847 Union School, 1874 Oswego House and Museum.  Information about our yearly events can be found on our website, lyonfarmkchs.org.

Contact: Pam Watts
7935 IL Route 71
Yorkville, IL 60560
Email Address: main@lyonfarmkchs.org
Website: www.lyonfarmkchs.org

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Kendall County Juvenile Justice Council

The mission of the Kendall County Juvenile Justice Council is to prevent delinquency by effectively utilizing community resources to assist at risk youth and their families and to provide youth the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Contact: Eric Weis
807 W. John St
Yorkville, IL 60560
Phone Number: 630-553-4157
Fax Number: 630-553-4204
Email Address: bkarales@co.kendall.il.us
Website: www.co.kendall.il.us/states-attorney/juvenile-justice-council

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Kiwanis Club of Oswego

We strive to use our passion for service to benefit the children of our community by encouraging and celebrating their academic success, developing their leadership skills, and promoting their health and well-being.

Contact: Charles Boudreau
P.O. Box 885
Oswego, IL 60543
Phone Number: 630-346-3183
Email Address: oswegokiwanis@gmail.com
Website: www.oswegokiwanis.org

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My Daughter’s Dress Boutique

We provide formal ware shoes and accessories to the general public for a low cost donation to our organization which helps to fund our hardship program that allows qualified individuals to get their items for free. We also accept monetary donations and formal ware donations all are tax deductible donations

Contact: Mary Garcia
1569 Sycamore Rd
Yorkville, IL 60543
Phone Number: 331-551-6332
Email Address: mydaughtersdress@gmail.com
Website: mydaughtersdress.org

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OFEE- Oswego Foundation for Educational Excellence

Non- Profit Organization enhancing the educational opportunities of youth in SD 308. Providing funds beyond the normal operating budget of the school district for specific educational programs and activities for students and staff.  Download the OFEE Brochure Here

Contact: Danielle Paul
P.O Box 111
Oswego, IL 60543
Phone Number: 630-370-1966
Website: www.oswegofoundation.org

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Oswego Lions Club

Lions Club Oswego is part of the larger Lions Club International Organization which was founded in 1917.  We are best known for fighting blindness, but we also volunteer for many different kinds of community projects – including caring for the environment, feeding the hungry and aiding seniors and the disabled.  Our motto is “We Serve.” Lions are part of a global service network, doing whatever is necessary to help our local communities. Lions meet the needs of local communities and the world every day because they share a core belief – to serve their community.

Contact: Irvin Collins
Oswego, IL 60543
Email Address: info@lionsofoswego.org
Website: e-clubhouse.org/sites/oswegoil

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Oswego Youth Tackle Football & Cheer

Oswego Youth Tackle Football is a 100% volunteer based organization located in Oswego Illinois, and serves the local community of 36k residents. We have rich history, deeply rooted in the Oswego community celebrating 45 years of youth football in the 2024 season. OYTF represents not just a sports program but a legacy of community effort, growth and resilience. We are one of the largest youth football organizations in Illinois serving roughly 600 participants between our football and cheer programs.

Contact: Eric Patnoudes
PO Box 5313
Oswego, IL 60543
Phone Number: 331-725-4264
Email Address: ericp@oytf.org
Website: www.oytf.org

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Oswegoland Senior and Community Center

Our mission is to promote the well-being of our Senior Community – improve their quality of life and extend independent living – by fully integrating the whole community.


From its humble beginnings as a congregate meal program in 2007, the Oswegoland Senior and Community Center has grown into a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to serving seniors and individuals of all ages with disabilities, along with their families and caregivers in Kendall County and beyond. Medicare counseling, caregiver support, health screenings, exercise classes and educational series are a sampling of what the center has to offer. Programs are free or low cost so that our community can stay connected, healthy, engaged, and thrive during all stages of life. By supporting the Oswegoland Senior and Community Center – whether financially or by giving of your time and talent – you help us sustain our mission and continue to provide the vital programs that keep our senior community healthy and strong.  For more information on programs, special events, volunteer opportunities, or to make a gift that will impact the lives of seniors, please visit oswegoseniorcenter.org or call 630-554-5602.

Contact: Michele Bergeron
3525 Route 34
Oswego, IL 60543
Phone Number: 630-554-5602
Email Address: michele@oswegoseniorcenter.org
Email Address: info@oswegoseniorcenter.org
Website: oswegoseniorcenter.org

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Senior Services Associates, Inc.

Senior Services Associates, Inc. is a non-profit agency dedicated to sustaining and improving the quality of life for individuals age 60 and older, the disabled and their caregivers by providing access to the social services they need. We are dedicated to preserving their independence, promoting mental and physical well-being and protecting their rights and dignity.

Contact: Micki Miller
908 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, IL 60560
Phone Number: 847-741-0404
Email Address: Mmiller@seniorservicesassoc.org
Email Address: rvasquez@seniorservicesassoc.org
Website: www.seniorservicesassoc.org

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